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The Despacho Ceremony: A Blessing for Pachamama.

In Inca mythology, Pachamama (or Mama Pacha) is a fertility/earth goddess who oversees planting and harvesting. She is said to dwell in the Urkhupacha, the Underworld, and provide her fruits to feed Man. Thus, within the reciprocal nature of the Andes, during the month of August villagers make offerings called pagapu.

The Andean people perform a ceremony of worship and thanksgiving that is the payment to the Pachamama or payment to land. They believe that we are all connected. The Despacho ceremony is a ritual in which the offerings are gifts to Pachamama thanking for the food and the protection that she provides; asking for livelihood or apologizing for any offense committed against the Earth. The gifts are charged with intention, love, reciprocity, and reverence, which are meant to unify all living energy of the physical and unseen universe. It is one of the most important rituals performed by the Andean peoples.

The Andean priests arrange the special offerings which can include coca leaves, unwrought silver, chicha de jora, wine, food, fruits, flowers, candies, cigarettes, and jungle seeds called huayruros (which are believed to have magical powers). The coca leaves are spread over a blanket on the ground and are then "read" to predict the future. The coca leaf, is a sacred plant which is used to mediate between the inner world (the Apu and the Pachamama) and the outer world (that of Man). These offerings are made to the apu, the spirits of their ancestors who are believed to dwell within the mountains.

Little by little, these priests (some of them from the ancient community of Qero, our namesake) will put these offerings together as a package in a hole trimmed with floripondios or lilies of the valley. The air will fill with the smell of ruda (Ruta graveolens), Palo Santo incense and the smoke from a fire that is lit for the ritual. Musicians will be present and they will play drums, flutes and the traditional pututos. After the offering to mother earth is completed, the priest will gently place the package with all the offerings into the fire. It is a magical spiritual scene.

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